Common Shoulder Injuries after an Accident

Was your shoulder hurt in an accident in West Virginia (WV)?

Many people suffer from shoulder pain either immediately or shortly after a car wreck, motorcycle, or bike accident, slip and fall, or after having been hurt in a work accident.  The severe trauma to the shoulder joint caused the by impact of an accident can result in several different types of shoulder injuries.

Human Shoulder PainThe shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint with three main bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), collarbone and shoulder blade (scapula). These bones are held together by muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. Because of this mobility, the shoulder is more likely to be injured, especially the  acromioclavicular (AC) joint, which lays over the top of the shoulder.

What you don’t know can hurt you. Click here to receive the information you need before signing away your rights to compensation: 7 Facts You Need to Know about WV Injury Claims.

Common shoulder injuries you may experience after an accident

  • Rotator cuff tear:  the most common shoulder injury after an accident is a stretching, tear, or rip in the tendons and ligaments in the shoulder joint. The shoulder has three separate joints, and any of these joints can be separated, causing extreme pain and loss of movement.
  • Fractured bone
  • Bruises
  • Strains and sprains
  • Frozen shoulder

Common symptoms of a shoulder injury

  • Painfully tender, a stiff shoulder that hurts more at night and may interrupt sleeping
  • Tingling, numbness, weakness, or swelling in the shoulder
  • Shoulder pain in a specific spot that may worsen with exertion
  • Difficulty moving the arm in any direction without pain
  • Sudden, intense pain in the shoulder area
  • Pale, blue or otherwise discolored shoulder area

click here for free report buttonWhat type of treatment will I need for a shoulder injury?

  • If you suspect a broken bone or tear resulting from your accident, seek medical care immediately.  Do not move the shoulder; stabilize its position.
  • Shoulder injuries can be accurately diagnosed by an orthopedic doctor through tests such as x-rays, CAT scans, MRIs, and clinical evaluation.
  • The remedy may be as simple as the use of a sling to immobilize your arm and rest your shoulder to promote healing and reduce pain.
  • Elevation, compression, and ice may also aid healing.
  • A torn muscle or ligament or tendon may require prompt surgery, so early diagnosis is essential for maximizing your recovery.
  • Pain can be coming from somewhere else in your body (referred shoulder pain), so accurate, as well as early, diagnosis is essential.
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery

Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder usually begins when injury or overuse causes pain that, in turn, limits the shoulder’s range of motion. Common conditions that cause pain in the shoulder are bursitis or a tear in the rotator cuff.

If you don’t move your shoulder much at all for many weeks, the tissue surrounding the shoulder joint thickens and shrinks. It loses its ability to stretch. When you try to move it even a little, it hurts. So to avoid the pain, you move the shoulder even less. As a result, the joint capsule stiffens even further. It’s a vicious cycle.

A frozen shoulder can take months to develop.  The cornerstone of treatment is physical therapy. At first, you’ll concentrate on exercises that stretch the joint capsule. Then you’ll move on to strengthening exercises.

Full recovery can take several months or even longer. If you don’t improve steadily, go back to your doctor or consult a shoulder expert. In rare cases, a frozen shoulder that doesn’t respond to the treatments I’ve discussed may require surgery.

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If a combination of home treatment and physical therapy does not help your shoulder injury, shoulder surgery may be required.  Surgery is not only expensive, but will require recovery time away from your workplace, limitations on your daily activities, and time and money spent on physical therapy and doctor’s visits.  If your shoulder has been injured due to someone else’s carelessness or negligence, please contact our office for a free consultation to determine the best course for obtaining the financial resources needed to pay for your treatment and lost wages.

Submitted by the Robinette Legal Group, PLLC, West Virginia Workplace Injury/Wrongful Death Lawyers. Call us today:  304-594-1800 for your free copy of Righting the Wrong: WV Serious Injury Guide or Collision Care:  WV Auto Collision Injury Guide.  These books will answer your questions concerning negotiations with the insurance companies.

Visit our website or call today for more information: 1-304-594-1800.

Staggering Numbers of U.S. Troops Suffering from Brain Injuries

The United States Army has determined that over 220,000 soldiers have sustained some degree of traumatic brain injury during the last ten years from exposure from explosions.   To help diagnose and subsequently treat such wounds, the U.S. military and private sector partners developed and deployed devices in 2011 that measure explosion severity.  Soldiers wear the watch-sized dosimeter on their chests, heads, and shoulders to measure acceleration and pressure, letting medics evaluate risk by color-coded lights triggered on the meters by a blast.

If you or a loved one has recently suffered a head injury in an accident in West Virginia due to someone else’s negligence, get checked out by a qualified medical specialist. If you are concerned about brain injury, talk to a West Virginia brain injury attorney at the Robinette Legal Group to discuss possible legal action to pursue compensation for the medical treatment, financial losses and lifetime of care. As former insurance defense attorneys, we know how easy it is for insurance companies to claim the victim isn’t really suffering the effects of brain damage.

Our Morgantown and Preston County TBI lawyers have experience representing clients in significant brain injury claims. We know what juries will be looking for in the way of evidence to prove your case. Our firm offers the professional and independent resources to handle the medical complexities of serious brain injury cases.

Simple Blood Test for Brain Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries can result from car, truck, motorcycle, and bike accidents, sports injury, falls, work accidents, and from impact during explosions.  If research by the Army and Cleveland Clinic is successful, then diagnosis for brain injury could include an inexpensive blood test.  Medical researchers are developing a test that will determine the presence of a protein that is released into the bloodstream after a person suffers a brain injury.

  • Researchers are currently testing their findings by analyzing the blood of college football, hockey, and soccer players to diagnose concussions.  Current methods of diagnosing brain injury involve the use of a CT scanner.  These scans are expensive and may also fail to detect slight bleeding and other signs of a brain injury.
  • Research indicates that the potential for serious lifelong traumatic brain injury is increased greatly if a subsequent head injury occurs a short time after a concussion, so a quick and inexpensive means of determining mild brain injuries could be a lifesaver for military personnel, workers, children, and sports participants.   

Contact a Morgantown TBI Attorney

If you or a loved one has recently suffered a head injury in an accident, get checked out by a qualified medical specialist. If you are concerned about brain injury, talk to a West Virginia brain injury attorney at the Robinette Legal Group to discuss possible legal action to pursue compensation for the medical treatment, financial losses and lifetime of care. As former insurance defense attorneys, we know how easy it is for insurance companies to claim the victim isn’t really suffering the effects of brain damage.

Our Morgantown and Preston County TBI lawyers have experience representing clients in significant brain injury claims. We know what juries will be looking for in the way of evidence to prove your case. Our firm offers the professional and independent resources to handle the medical complexities of serious brain injury cases.  Please visit our web site or call 1-304-594-1800.